Washington FCA Baseball is both a baseball club and a Christian ministry.  Upon joining FCA, each player receives a Bible and our teams participate in six Bible studies throughout the season led by the Greater Seattle FCA staff.  Our coaches also lead Bible studies and devotionals during the season and include prayer in every practice and game.

We have players who attend Church every Sunday and belong to youth groups, and we have players who have never been to Church and don’t know what it means to be a Christian.  Everyone is welcome and our ministry objectives best describe our intentions:

  • Inspiring – our conversations and actions are reflective of God’s Word and influence our players to think, explore, self-reflect and make positive changes in their lives
  • Engaging – our players are excited to participate and share their thoughts, ideas and questions
  • Relevant – our topics reflect the daily challenges and opportunities our players face
  • Educational – our players grow in their knowledge of Christianity and God’s Word
  • Welcoming – our players feel comfortable & included in our ministry activities even though they are at various stages in their faith & attending different churches
  • Apparent – our teams will illustrate the Christian walk to our opponents, officials and everyone with whom they have the opportunity to interact